Tibet update
Chinese authorities today vowed swift trials and harsh punishments for those arrested in Tibet.
They will "use the weapon of the law to attack enemies, punish crime, protect the people and maintain stability," the Tibet Daily reported.
Meanwhile, yesterday an envoy of His Holiness the Dalai Lama told a U.S. Congressional hearing that Chinese leaders should not bring the Olympic torch through Tibet.
"This idea of taking the torch through Tibet, I really think, should be canceled precisely because that would be very deliberately provocative and very insulting after what has happened," the envoy, Lodi Gyari, said.
The torch will pass through Tibet in May and will next go up Mount Everest. In June, it will be taken through Lhasa, the Tibetan capital.
More research to be done on Jack Kerouac in Rocky Mount ... the book I ordered by John Dorfner arrived at last yesterday, but I need to do a little more research to confirm information about where Kerouac lived while he was there.
Dorfner's photos confirm what I suspected ... and show the screened-in back porch Kerouac often referred to in his letters ... which has now been walled-in. I suspected that happened, for when I looked at the house from the outside I could see a difference in the exterior wood pattern.
Kerouac's letters use the address 1311 Raleigh Road ... that is not a house in "Big Easonburg Woods" (West Mount).
I drove all around trying to find 1311 Raleigh Road but the houses have been renumbered. I suppose it is for 911 responders. Some of the old numbers were visible and I found the area of that house.
A Google search showed a reference to 1311 Raleigh Road as his brother-in-law's business address ... Paul Blake ran an electronics shop ... I wonder, though, why Kerouac would use the business as his return address instead of the house?
Need to find out more. Will keep you posted.