Fiction Daily.
A blog on writing, writers and why we read. Posted most mornings by Marion Blackburn.
Sticky wicket
How did this happen to the noblest of purposes?  I wanted to try a more sophisticated blog than this one, which once seemed just fine. Now, I am drawn into a bigger world, of "blogging tools" and one called WordPress.

I tried to activate it on my Web site to no avail. Calling for tech support brought a rainstorm ... and someone recommending that I learn about MySQL and php editor. "It will bring the universe to you," he said.

I wish I could!! Even talking about it for more than a few minutes made my head spin ... though another blog would be very attractive, it is not writing. Computers and Web sites, for a writer, are a vacuum cleaner, a black hole, a pit. They can suck the hours out of a day. Writing already claims enough hours of any day through the same draining process.

For now, I'm stuck with this blog. I may at least get rid of the green circles, but I'm not sure the replacement template will be any better.

By the way, my husband has an outstanding blog and Web site at

2007-10-26 12:18:09 GMT
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