Fiction Daily.
A blog on writing, writers and why we read. Posted most mornings by Marion Blackburn.
Being a writer
My husband said yesterday that he has decided to change his career choice (he's a photographer) and become a writer. Something about freedom of mind and choices, he said. He would make the announcement today, he hinted.

"Yeah, and the money should start coming in immediately," I said.

He erupted in laughter.

That's because he has seen me do just about everything possible to make a living during the 10 years we've known each other. When we first met I was both teaching composition ... and waiting tables at an Italian restaurant. I've been a receptionist, secretary (OK, only for one day; it was a disaster), bartender ... even an au pair for a while in Paris.

These days I still worry about covering expenses and generally stockpile every extra dollar into a savings account for the lean times I'm always sure are just ahead.

As I consider the time and mental space needed to write a novel, it scares me to think that I would have to either scale back my professional projects ... or start writing at 5 a.m. each day ... which I'll probably do. I'll have to cut out all unnecessary Internet time (bye bye London Daily Mail).

It's as if I've had this one thing I've done since I was about 17 years old, though I couldn't have put it into words then.

Finding income was always a part of my life; I started working at 15 (waitress at Parker's Barbecue). It's not that I don't enjoy hard work; it's just that there has always been an obsession inside to f
ollow the experiences and make note of them.
2008-03-11 12:02:26 GMT
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