Fiction Daily.
A blog on writing, writers and why we read. Posted most mornings by Marion Blackburn.
Boxing Day
Today it's raining heavily. It's very peaceful and calm, perfect for the day after Christmas.

I took all the wrapping paper, boxes and bows to the attic, and wondered if it wasn't a little hasty.

Some years I relish the holiday experience, but not this year. My mentality is single focused: clarity, clarity, clarity.

Greg has to work, again, but reports that no one is moving.

Having gone through the house fully to clean everything out, I'm now finding that a second and third pass are probably needed. Yet I also have to be careful not to use it as a diversion from the real work at hand.

I've found that dealing with all my stuff -- the forgotten files, the unread books, the family heirlooms that feel such a burden as they wither away in closets -- has been unexpectedly liberating.

Making multiple decisions and thinning out stuff, I'm finding, has been remarkably empowering.

TOMORROW: More on the remarkable empowerment. Photo of Garbo is gratuitous

2007-12-26 15:18:17 GMT
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