Struggle, write, repeat Pt. 3
Yesterday walking one of our dogs I had some clear thoughts about structure.
There will be three parts: first section will be experimental in structure, past and present. Second section, taking place in the book's "now", again may try to experiment with tense, though I dislike reading present-tense narratives. Third section I won't say anything about, except that's the section I'm looking forward most to writing.
I considered an epilogue. I'm not sure I like them, because they bring a sense of finality. I wonder, Is this the best you could do to close your great work? I don't think Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky used them.
Yet, they are useful to bring an end which does not directly involve the characters or narrator and can provide understanding.
Is is a device? Not sure. I feel that if I have to rely on an epilogue ... if it is a way out of a closed box ... then I need to work a little harder on a solution.