Fiction Daily.
A blog on writing, writers and why we read. Posted most mornings by Marion Blackburn.
Welcome to Fiction Daily
We love to read. Gossip magazines, novels, non-fiction and even poetry. We read online, too. It has always been a dream of mine to post about fiction, and this blog takes the name of that dream: Fiction Daily.

Nobody has read all of Proust's Remembrance of Things Past, right? I know one person who dedicated a full year to reading all seven volumes, from Swann's Way to Finding Time Again. He tells me it was a life-changing experience, dwelling in another world while continuing to function in this one.

I read the first part of the first volume, Combray, and it took forever, having to read and re-read over and again to figure out what was going on. Proust writes with a dreamy, rambling style that escorts you deep into his mind, his world, and it takes a while to get there, but once there, I found a remarkable glimpse at what makes us human.
2007-10-11 13:03:24 GMT
Comments (3 total)
Not to turn this conversation in the dreary direction of weighing the limitations of reading great works in translation, but to experience Proust in his native language must be a transporting experience. Think about what is lost, inevitably, in translations of Shakespeare. For us English-only folks, it's the same, in reverse, for Proust, Tolstoy, Balzac, Dante ... anyone we can't read in the original.

The creator and moderator of this blog fails to mention that she read "Combray" in French! One would certainly need to stumble around a good while to glean everything gleanable from that field. My reading of the novel, in translation, was not nearly so studious or precise; it took until about the end of the third volume before I started to "get" what Proust was trying to do. Before that, I just slogged along blind. For that reason alone, it'll be worth re-reading the whole all over again ... this time, not the warhorse mostly-Moncrieff translation but the new one with multiple translators. (FYI: Apparently, U.S. publication of the last three volumes will be held up for years due to copyright issues.)

On a related note, isn't it too bad that the novel's title is now widely rendered in English as "In Search of Lost Time"? OK, OK, so it is a more accurate translation of "La Recherche du Temps Perdu"; but it has none of the poetic redundancy of "Remembrance of Things Past."
2007-10-11 15:58:13 GMT
Yes, it frightens me to think how much is lost reading works in translation. The Russian language is a great vehicle created by hundreds of struggles and years. It pains me to think how much English translations drain it of meaning.
2007-10-11 18:33:01 GMT
Have you noticed how trendy it has become to say that one has read "ISOLT"? "Newsweek" has a feature in each issue where they ask an author to name his or her favorite/most influential novels. Three of the last four weeks, the author has included "ISOLT"! It's becoming the ultimate highbrow cliche, the literary equivalent of corporate execs who compete in triathlons.
2007-10-15 19:15:35 GMT
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